Applied Geophysics (OGS) for their cooperation and valuable partnership along this activity.

Among the activities of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy (CoE-SUBE), a first roundtable on sustainable blue economy (SBE) addressed to the touristic sector in Piran (Slovenia) took place early this year at EMUNI University. As 80% of the businesses in the city are part of the touristic sector, blue economy is inherent to Piran and to implement sustainability in blue economy “we all have to change our mind”. A key point that was mentioned is to find a way to explain to the government and politicians the importance of implementing sustainable blue economy in their agendas. Other recommendations for the implementation of SBE was to improve connection, interaction, and engagement between different actors (stakeholders), which is necessary for the development of plans and strategies related to green and blue economy. Additionally, the huge advantage and potential for development of the city of Piran, it was recommended that the saltpans should be classified as UNESCO world heritage, the development of sustainable agriculture and mariculture, and the development of cultural and educational tourism strategies.
The Centre will examine EU policies in the domain of the blue economy and their impact beyond the EU, particularly the Mediterranean as the EU’s immediate neighbourhood. Results will be presented in peer reviewed journals and a research conference will be organised.

Applied Geophysics (OGS) for their cooperation and valuable partnership along this activity.
Among the activities, of the @Jean Monnet Center of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy (CoE-SUBE), a first intensive training on blue economy for mid-career scholars titled “Innovative and transformative capacity building for sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean” was held from 24 – 26 May (online sessions), and 5 – 9 June (in person sessions in Piran and Trieste). During the training, PhD students/holders working in fields related to sustainable blue economy improved the skills needed in the blue economy market. Particularly, participants were mainly focused on strengthening the methodology for teaching Sustainable Blue Economy.
The Centre will ensure a science-policy exchange at the EU level and through specifically designed local debates. Additionally, we will seek to engage the public through artistic events.
O rabi vode v slovenski Istri, prispevek v Sobotni prilogi Dela
Sporočilo iz posveta z deloežnik o zagotavljanju pitne vode v slovenski Istri
Discussion on skills for sustainable blue economy at Ecomondo
Vodnik za pismenost o Sredozemskem morju / Mediterranean Ocean Literacy in Slovenian